Free delivery on all orders over €2000!


At CycleGo we use registered track & trace for delivery of all our products. Delivery is €6.50 or FREE when you spend over €2000 for bikes in a box (85% assembled). We deliver all products throughout the island of Ireland.

We now also offer delivery of fully-assembled bikes for an addon of €75. For orders over €1000, this service is FREE!

Lead Times

Generally speaking, delivery is within 48 hours for orders within Ireland. We will advise you before shipping if delivery will take longer than expected. Due to warehousing and stock control we advise that delivery can take 3-5 working days depending on circumstances.

Fully-assembled bikes can take 5-10 working days.


If you are out and miss delivery you are then able to organise an alternative delivery day with the courier or simply leave a note for the courier to leave the product with a neighbour or local shop.

If the parcel is damaged in any way then do not accept the product.