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Ladies Bikes & The Women’s Rights Movement

Ladies Bikes & The Women’s Rights Movement

It is said that bicycles, and indeed ladies bikes, did more for the women’s rights movement than any other factory. Are you cycling yet?

The introduction of the “safety bicycle” in 1885 allowed women to enjoy the freedom and practicality of a bicycle whereas previously it had been a cumbersome endeavor. It was safer and less unwieldy than the previously popularised penny-farthing. This led to greater freedom for women everywhere. As outlined in the fantastic video above by Vox, the bicycle did more for women than anyone could have anticipated.

Women’s bicycles proved so popular that the late 19th century women’s fashion changed to be more accommodating toward cycling, giving the female cyclist more freedom in their day-to-day lives. With countless women taking to the “noiseless steeds,” “bloomers,” reemerged on the fashion scene, allowing a more active lifestyle. Bloomers would ultimately becoming symbols of the feminist movement of the time and were commonplace among activists at the time.

Suffragist Susan B. Anthony was quoted as saying, “She who succeeds in gaining the mastery of the bicycle will gain the mastery of life.”

Check out the video above for more details on the changes brought about by bicycles for women. And if aren’t yet cycling then check out CycleGo full range of Ladies Bikes and get active today! We pride ourselves on getting both men & women cycling premium “noiseless steeds” at an affordable price.